I was on twitter a few weeks ago and I saw a tweet, I can't remember who by, highlighting someone else's blog. @chrisguillebeau 's to be exact. You can find it here . The article itself was ok and had some salient points, but there was a quote on it from Hafiz, a 14th century Persian poet, that mesmerised me, in fact it made me think very deeply about my teachers and me as a teacher. It described, in far less words than I could possibly manage, the type of person I am and, more importantly, the type of person I strive to be. I guess that everyone has a moment that makes them evaluate what they're doing with their lives. Are things turning out the way they planned? Are they serving themselves, or others? What is the purpose that drives them to succeed? Big questions. All of which were prompted by this poem. I looked first at the opening line, ' The small man ' and thought, is this me? Have I, as a teacher, ever done this? Have I limited children's exp...